Executive Health
Northwestern Memorial Hospital serves as one of the country’s premier academic centers. Every internist on staff holds a faculty teaching position at the Feinberg School of Medicine.
Because achieving optimal health often requires lifestyle changes, Northwestern Medicine Executive Health is pleased to augment our continuing care with this essential online resource center. Here you can download a vast array of cutting-edge resources—including articles and podcasts—to educate, inform and inspire your path to wellness. WORK FROM HOME NEWSLETTER SERIES Fitness and nutrition tips from our Exercise Physiologists and Registered Dietitians May 18, 2020 Stressed out and overwhelmed? This week is all about how to manage stress with healthy habits (in healthy ways). READ FULL ARTICLE May 11, 2020 Even during these unprecedented times we find ourselves sticking to some of our favorite exercises and foods. This week we share with you a few of our favorite things! READ FULL ARTICLE May 4, 2020 Social distancing and being in quarantine can change the dynamics of a relationship. This week's topic is about healthy ways to stay connected with family and friends. READ FULL ARTICLE April 27, 2020 With new challenges, come new solutions. This week's newsletter is about helping you get through some of the most common quarantine struggles! READ FULL ARTICLE April 20, 2020 Recruit your friends and family to complete this COVID wellness challenge. READ FULL ARTICLE April 13, 2020 Improve immunity with exercise and plant based eating following these suggestions from our wellness providers. READ FULL ARTICLE April 6, 2020 Enjoy the natural sweetness from bananas with these three recipes and consider this stretch break during your workday. READ FULL ARTICLE March 31, 2020 This week we are sharing with you our favorite fitness Apps and suggestions for healthier freezer foods. READ FULL ARTICLE March 25, 2020 Look here for an at home pilates routine and chickpea recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. READ FULL ARTICLE SUMMER NEWSLETTER Tips from EP, RD, and our Medical Director READ FULL ARTICLE START THE YEAR OFF RIGHT 2015 Newsletter - Featuring Healthy recipes, quick workout and mindfulness exercises READ FULL ARTICLE 6 FITNESS MYTHS DEBUNKED As a Getting back on track with your exercise routine? Inside are some of the most frequent exercise myths debunked! READ FULL ARTICLE SLEEPNESS NIGHTS ACROSS THE LIFESPAN Sleep is a basic human need. When sleep is disordered the impairment we experience is pronounced READ FULL ARTICLE TO CAF OR DECAF? The average American drinks 3.1 cups of coffee per day. So what are the implications? READ FULL ARTICLE SEE ALL RESOURCES |